Dave's Music Shed Episode 36
Episode #36, It's hot in the shed and it stinks of garlic but the tunes are still good 🙂
I play music I like in my shed , I hope you like the music too.
Please press the Mixcloud Favourite and Repost buttons if you do 🙂
Michael Antony Austin, Suzie Graham, Trampoline, She Drew The Gun, The C33s, The Howlers, The Great Leslie, L'objectif, The Jojo Man Band, The Vanities, The Diamond Eyes, The Dan the D, Roshambo, Bad Actresse ... and the earworm
Playlists of old episodes are now available on Spotty Thigh https://open.spotify.com/user/jt39xg5al4fdeorb3ir46erh4
Also check out:
Round at Milligan's - https://www.mixcloud.com/therealdavemilligan/
Offbeat Reggae Radio - https://www.mixcloud.com/offbeatreggae/