Dave's Music Shed Episode 42

Episode #42, there's a theme to this episode; having a year or two off and then bring out new music, this episode is for Roman Hrybov 🙂

Tracks from: The Jojo Man Band, Shanghai Treason, Mush,Ski Lift, Krooked Tongue, Saloon Dion, THE BOBBY LEES, Sea Girls, The Racket, Dead Pony, The Chats, The Vaunts, Blussh, Psychedelic Porn Crumpets, The Anti-DicKtators

I play music I like in my shed , I hope you like the music too.
Please press the Mixcloud Favourite and Repost buttons if you do 🙂

If you want me to play your music send tracks, bio and anything else useful to:

Playlists of old episodes are now available on Spotty Thigh https://open.spotify.com/user/jt39xg5al4fdeorb3ir46erh4