Dave's Music Shed Episode 43

Episode #43, a bit more of a traditional format show with nice gentle stuff at the start and noisy stuff at the end 🙂

Tracks from: OSKA, Chloe Moriondo, Elephant Stone, ME REX, Lewsberg, MEMES, The Dunts, October Drift, Bad Nerves, Sports Team, Vintage Crop, Rotten Mind, Pit Pony, Bilk, VUKOVI.... and the earworm...

I play music I like in my shed , I hope you like the music too.
Please press the Mixcloud Favourite and Repost buttons if you do 🙂

If you want me to play your music send tracks, bio and anything else useful to:

Playlists of old episodes are now available on Spotty Thigh https://open.spotify.com/user/jt39xg5al4fdeorb3ir46erh4